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Youthworks Work Permit Form: What You Should Know

Outworks — The Job Center A “Work Permit Application” is required for all students participating in the Youth Employment Program. There is no charge to the youth to complete the application. All applications are for one work session only.  You will be asked to sign the Work Permit Application (in English, Spanish or a language other than English). After signing, the youth will be shown an orientation video about YW. You must understand the video carefully before the session begins. We encourage you to have a friend in the program with you during the video. The video will guide the youth through the application process as well as the Youth Career Services program. Please do not watch the work permit application during your placement appointment. Instead, please watch the video only up to the point where the student enters the Youth Career Services office. The orientation video may start as you enter the job center. The Youth Employment Program is an 18-week summer employment opportunity available only to young people who are not enrolled in the Public Schools and not in the Armed Forces, National Guard, Reservists, or Foreign Service. The Youth Employment Program is also available for all students age 14 – 17 attending Montgomery County Schools participating in our public school system. The TWP is an opportunity to obtain meaningful experience with work in our fast-paced work life. The Youth Employment Program does not require an interview. You must have completed the first 12 weeks of high school to be eligible for the Youth Employment Program. If you have not completed those 12 weeks, please call Outworks at 301.279.1270 or 800.488.1818 to request a Youth Employment Program Application. The Youth Employment Program will not be offered unless all the following requirements are met and if you meet the requirements to graduate from high school. You are at least 14 years old. You have been participating in the Youth Employment Program in one of the following settings for at least two (2) of the past three school years as part of a group employment setting and, if eligible, you have completed a full-time job (no other programs or school). Furthermore, you have a current high school diploma and are in good academic standing. Furthermore, you have worked in your assigned setting for at least one full week prior to your session in the YEP Program. Furthermore, you have attended the appropriate Youth Employment Orientation prior to your placement appointment. Furthermore, you have completed the youth employment application during your session in the YEP Program.

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  6. Navigate to Support area when you have questions or perhaps handle our assistance team.
  7. Place an electronic digital unique in your Form Work Permit Maryland by using Sign Device.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Youthworks Work Permit

Instructions and Help about Youthworks Work Permit

Well, the city of Baltimore is giving young people their first debit card. It's part of the Youth Works program, which aims to provide new employees easy access to their paychecks. - A total of 8,300 workers between the ages of 18 and 21 have received these debit pay cards as part of their summer employment. - According to Mayor Catherine Pugh, this initiative is a good alternative to carrying around cash or checks since the card is in your hand and ready to spend. - The mayor also believes that this provides an opportunity for young workers to learn about saving money, especially through peer-to-peer counseling from an 18-year-old advising them on how to save and what they can do with their finances. - The distribution of these cards took place today, and in case of loss or theft, the young workers can cancel the card without losing their money. - This entire effort is aimed at teaching young people about financial responsibility.